
Integer-ByteString conversions

Created on  by Koz RossIlia Rodionov and Jeff Cheah


Plutus Core primitive operations to convert BuiltinInteger to BuiltinByteString, and vice-versa. Furthermore, the BuiltinInteger conversion allows different endianness for the encoding (most-significant-first and most-significant-last), as well as padding with zeroes based on a requested length if required.

Motivation: why is this CIP necessary?

Plutus Core creates a strong abstraction boundary between the concepts of 'number' (represented by BuiltinInteger) and 'blob of bytes' (represented by BuiltinByteString), defining different sets of (largely non-overlapping) operations for each. This is, in principle, a good practice, as these concepts are distinct in (most of) the operations that make sense on them. However, sometimes, being able to 'move between' these two 'worlds' is important: namely, the ability to represent a given BuiltinInteger as a BuiltinByteString, as well as to convert between this representation and the BuiltinInteger it represents. Currently, no such capability exists: while CIP-0058 proposed such a capability (among others), to date, this has not been implemented into Plutus Core.

To see why such a capability would be beneficial, we give two motivating use cases.

Case 1: signing bids

Consider the following code snippet:

validBidTerms :: AuctionTerms -> CurrencySymbol -> BidTerms -> Bool
validBidTerms AuctionTerms {..} auctionID BidTerms {..}
  | BidderInfo {..} <- bt'Bidder =
  validBidderInfo bt'Bidder &&
  -- The bidder pubkey hash corresponds to the bidder verification key.
  verifyEd25519Signature at'SellerVK
    (sellerSignatureMessage auctionID bi'BidderVK)
    bt'SellerSignature &&
  -- The seller authorized the bidder to participate
  verifyEd25519Signature bi'BidderVK
    (bidderSignatureMessage auctionID bt'BidPrice bi'bidderPKH)
  -- The bidder authorized the bid
  :: CurrencySymbol
  -> Integer
  -> PubKeyHash
  -> BuiltinByteString
bidderSignatureMessage auctionID bidPrice bidderPKH =
  toByteString auctionID <>
  toByteString bidPrice <>
  toByteString bidderPKH
  :: CurrencySymbol
  -> BuiltinByteString
  -> BuiltinByteString
sellerSignatureMessage auctionID bidderVK =
  toByteString auctionID <>

Here, we attempt to verify (using the Curve25519) that a bid at an auction was signed by a particular bidder. The message to verify must include the bid placed, represented using Integer here (which translates to BuiltinInteger onchain). However, the verifyEd25519Signature primitive can only accept BuiltinByteStrings as messages to verify. Thus, we have a problem: how to include the placed bid into the bid message to be verified?

More generally, constructing messages to sign usually consists of concatenating together some primitives represented as BuiltinByteStrings. We currently have a way to do this for (some) strings using encodeUtf8, but no way to do this for BuiltinIntegers.

Case 2: finite fields

Finite fields, also known as Galois fields, are a common algebraic structure in cryptographic constructions. Many, if not most, common constructions in cryptography use finite fields as their basis, including Curve25519, Curve448 and the Pasta curves, to name but a few. Elements in a finite field are naturally representable as BuiltinIntegers of bounded size onchain, but for applications like the constructions specified above (and indeed, anything built atop such constructions), we need to be able to perform the following tasks efficiently:

  • Verify that a particular value belongs to the field; and
  • Perform bitwise (that is, non-numerical) operations on such values, possibly together with numerical ones.

Furthermore, Case 2 presents two further challenges: endianness and padding. Due to many cryptographic algorithms being designed for use over the network, their specifications assume a big-endian byte ordering in their implementations. Likewise, due to the finiteness of a finite field's elements, they can be encoded in a fixed-length form, which implementations make use of, both for convenience and efficiency.

While it is not outright impossible to perform conversions from BuiltinInteger to BuiltinByteString currently, it is unreasonably difficult and resource-intensive: BuiltinInteger to BuiltinByteString involves a repeated combination of division-with-remainder in a loop, while BuiltinByteString to BuiltinInteger involves repeated multiplications by large constants and accumulations. Aside from these both requiring looping (with the overheads this imposes), both of these are effectively quadratic operations with current primitives: the only means we have to accumulate BuiltinByteStrings is by consing or appending (which are both quadratic due to BuiltinByteString being a counted array), and any BuiltinInteger operation is linear in the size of its arguments. This makes even Case 1 far more effort, both for the developer and the node, than it should be, and Case 2 ranges from difficult to impossible once we factor in the limited available primitive operations and the endianness and padding problems.

We propose that two primitives be added to Plutus Core: one for converting BuiltinIntegers to BuiltinByteStrings, the other for converting BuiltinByteStrings to BuiltinIntegers. The first of these primitives would allow for specifying an endianness for the result, as well as to perform padding to a required length if necessary; the second primitive is able to operate on padded or unpadded encodings, in either endianness.

Additionally, we state the following goals that any implementation of such primitives must have.

No metadata

The representation produced by the BuiltinInteger to BuiltinByteString conversion should be 'minimal', representing only the number being given to it, and no other information besides. It would be tempting to, for example, encode the endianness requested into the BuiltinByteString, but ultimately, this information could be added later by users if they want it, while removing it would be trickier. Additionally, metadata-related concerns would complicate both the specification and implementation of the primitives, for arguably marginal benefit.


Users of these primitives should not need to know how exactly BuiltinIntegers are represented to use them successfully. This is beneficial to both users (as they now don't have to concern themselves with platform-specific implementation issues) and Plutus Core maintainers (as changes in the representation of BuiltinInteger aren't going to affect these primitives).

No support for negative numbers

While for fixed-size numbers, two's-complement is the default choice for negative number representations, for arbitrary-size numbers, there is no agreed-upon choice. Furthermore, indicating the 'negativity' of a number would require making representations larger or more complex regardless of which representation we chose, while also complicating both the primitives we want to define, and any user-defined operations on such representations, possibly in ways that users do not want. Lastly, for our cases, negative values are not really needed, and if the ability to encode negative numbers was necessary, users could still define whichever one(s) they needed themselves, with little effort or computational cost.

This CIP partially supercedes CIP-0058: specifically, the specifications here replace the integerToByteString and byteStringToInteger primitives specified in CIP-0058, as improved, and more general, solutions.


We describe the specification of two Plutus Core primitives, which will have the following signatures:

  • builtinIntegerToByteString :: BuiltinBool -> BuiltinInteger -> BuiltinInteger -> BuiltinByteString
  • builtinByteStringToInteger :: BuiltinBool -> BuiltinByteString -> BuiltinInteger

To describe the semantics of these primitives, we first specify how we represent a BuiltinInteger as a BuiltinByteString; after that, we describe the two primitives, as well as giving some properties they must follow.


Our BuiltinByteString representations of non-negative BuiltinIntegers treat the BuiltinInteger being represented as a sequence of digits in base-256. Thus, any byte in the BuiltinByteString representation corresponds to a single base-256 digit, whose digit value is equal to its value as an 8-bit unsigned integer. For example, the byte 0x80 would have digit value 128, while the byte 0x03 would have digit value 3.

To determine place value, we define two possible arrangements of digits in such a representation: most-significant-first, and most-significant-last. In the most-significant-first representation, the first digit (that is, the byte at index 0) has the highest place value; in the most-significant-last representation, the first digit instead has the lowest place value. These correspond to the notions of big-endian and little-endian respectively.

For any positive BuiltinInteger i, let

i0×2560+i1×2561++ik×256ki_0 \times 256^0 + i_1 \times 256^1 + \ldots + i_k \times 256^k

be its base-256 form. Then, for the most-significant-first representation, the BuiltinByteString encoding for i is the BuiltinByteString b such that indexByteString bs j=ikj\texttt{indexByteString bs j} = i_{k - j}. For the most-significant-last encoding, we instead have indexByteString bs j=ij\texttt{indexByteString bs j} = i_j.

For example, consider the number 123_456. Its base-256 form is

64 * 256 ^ 0 + 226 * 256 ^ 1 + 1 * 256 ^ 2

Therefore, its most-significant-first representation would be

[ 0x01, 0xE2, 0x40 ]

while its most-significant-last representation would be

[ 0x40, 0xE2, 0x01 ]

For 0, in line with the above definition, both its most-significant-first and most-significant-last representation is [] (that is, the empty BuiltinByteString).

To represent any given non-negative BuiltinInteger i as above, we require a minimum number of base-256 digits. For positive i, this is max1,log256(i)\max \\{1, \lceil \log_{256}(\texttt{i}) \rceil \\}; for i = 0, we define this to be 00. We can choose to represent i with more digits than this minimum, by the use of padding. Let kk be the minimum number of digits to represent i, and let jj be a positive number: to represent i using k+jk + j digits in the most-significant-first encoding, we set the first jj bytes of the encoding as 0x0; for the most-significant-last encoding, we set the last jj bytes of the encoding as 0x0 instead.

To extend our previous example, a five-digit, most-significant-first representation of 123_456 is

[ 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xC2, 0x80 ]

while the most-significant-last representation would be

[ 0x80, 0xC2, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00 ]

We observe that these extra digits do not change what exact BuiltinInteger is represented, as any zero digit has zero place value.


We can now describe the semantics of the builtinIntegerToByteString primitive. The builtinIntegerToByteString function takes three arguments; we specify (and name) them below:

  1. Whether the most-significant-first encoding should be used. This is the endianness argument, which has type BuiltinBool.
  2. The number of bytes required in the output (if such a requirement exists). This is the length argument, which has type BuiltinInteger.
  3. The BuiltinInteger to convert. This is the input.

If the input is negative, builtinIntegerToByteString fails. In this case, the resulting error message must specify at least the following information:

  • That builtinIntegerToByteString failed due to a negative conversion attempt; and
  • What negative BuiltinInteger was passed as the input.

If the length argument is outside the closed interval (0,2291)(0, 2^{29} - 1), builtinIntegerToByteString fails. In this case, the resulting error message must specify at least the following information:

  • That builtinIntegerToByteString failed due to an invalid length argument; and
  • What BuiltinInteger was passed as the length argument.

If the input is 0, builtinIntegerToByteString returns the BuiltinByteString consisting of a number of zero bytes equal to the length argument.

If the input is positive, and the length argument is also positive, let d be the minimum number of digits required to represent the input (as per the representation described above). If d is greater than the length argument, builtinIntegerToByteString fails. In this case, the resulting error message must specify at least the following information:

  • That builtinIntegerToByteString failed due to the requested length being insufficient for the input;
  • What BuiltinInteger was passed as the length argument; and
  • What BuiltinInteger was passed as the input.

If d is equal to, or greater, than the length argument, builtinIntegerToByteString returns the BuiltinByteString encoding the input. This will be the most-significant-first encoding if the endianness argument is True, or the most-significant-last encoding if the endianness argument is False. The resulting BuiltinByteString will be padded to the length specified by the padding argument if necessary.

If the input is positive, and the length argument is zero, builtinIntegerToByteString returns the BuiltinByteString encoding the input. Its length will be minimal (that is, no padding will be done). If the endianness argument is True, the result will use the most-significant-first encoding, and if the endianness argument is False, the result will use the most-significant-last encoding.

We give some examples of the intended behaviour of builtinIntegerToByteString below:

 -- fails due to negative input
builtinIntegerToByteString False 0 (-1) -- => ERROR
-- endianness argument doesn't affect this case
builtinIntegerToByteString True 0 (-1) -- => ERROR
-- length argument doesn't affect this case
builtinIntegerToByteString False 100 (-1) -- => ERROR
-- zero case, no padding
builtinIntegerToByteString False 0 0 -- => []
-- endianness argument doesn't affect this case
builtinIntegerToByteString True 0 0 -- => []
-- length argument adds more zeroes, but endianness doesn't matter
builtinIntegerToByteString False 5 0 -- => [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ]
builtinIntegerToByteString True 5 0 -- => [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ]
-- length argument too large (2^29)
builtinIntegerToByteString False 536870912 0 -- => ERROR
-- endianness doesn't affect this case
builtinIntegerToByteString True 536870912 0 -- => ERROR
-- fails due to insufficient digits (404 needs 2)
builtinIntegerToByteString False 1 404 -- => ERROR
-- endianness argument doesn't affect this case
builtinIntegerToByteString True 1 404 -- => ERROR
-- zero length argument is exactly the same as requesting exactly the right
-- digit count
builtinIntegerToByteString False 2 404 -- => [ 0x94, 0x01 ] 
builtinIntegerToByteString False 0 404 -- => [ 0x94, 0x01 ]
-- switching endianness argument reverses the result
builtinIntegerToByteString True 2 404 -- => [ 0x01, 0x94 ]
builtinIntegerToByteString True 0 404 -- => [ 0x01, 0x94 ]
-- padding for most-significant-last goes at the end
builtinIntegerToByteString False 5 404 -- => [ 0x94, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ]
-- padding for most-significant-first goes at the start
builtinIntegerToByteString True 5 404 -- => [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x94 ]

We also describe properties that any implementation of builtinIntegerToByteString must have. Throughout, q is not negative, p is positive, d is in the closed interval (0,2291)(0, 2^{29} - 1), k is in the closed interval (1,2291)(1, 2^{29} - 1), 0 <= j < k, and 1 <= r <= 255. We also define singleton x = consByteString x emptyByteString.

  1. lengthOfByteString (builtinIntegerToByteString e d 0) = d
  2. indexByteString (builtinIntegerToByteString e k 0) j = 0
  3. lengthOfByteString (builtinIntegerToByteString e 0 p) > 0
  4. builtinIntegerToByteString False 0 (multiplyInteger p 256) = consByteString 0 (builtinIntegerToByteString False 0 p)
  5. builtinIntegerToByteString True 0 (multiplyInteger p 256) = appendByteString (builtinIntegerToByteString True 0 p) (singleton 0)
  6. builtinIntegerToByteString False 0 (plusInteger (multiplyInteger q 256) r) = appendByteString (builtinIntegerToByteString False 0 r) (builtinIntegerToByteString False 0 q)`
  7. builtinIntegerToByteString True 0 (plusInteger (multiplyInteger q 256) r) = appendByteString (builtinIntegerToByteString False 0 q) (builtinIntegerToByteString False 0 r)


The builtinByteStringToInteger primitive takes two arguments. We specify, and name, these below:

  1. Whether the input uses the most-significant-first encoding. This is the stated endianness argument, which has type BuiltinBool.
  2. The BuiltinByteString to convert. This is the input.

If the input is the empty BuiltinByteString, builtinByteStringToInteger returns 0. If the input is non-empty, builtinByteStringToInteger produces the BuiltinInteger encoded by the input. The encoding is treated as most-significant-first if the stated endianness argument is True, and most-significant-last if the stated endianness argument is False. The input encoding may be padded or not.

We give some examples of the intended behaviour of builtinByteStringToInteger below:

-- empty input gives zero
builtinByteStringToInteger False emptyByteString => 0
-- stated endianness argument doesn't affect this case
builtinByteStringToInteger True emptyByteString => 0
-- if all the bytes are the same, stated endianness argument doesn't matter
builtinByteStringToInteger False (consByteString 0x01 (consByteString 0x01
emptyByteString) -- => 257
builtinByteStringToInteger True (consByteString 0x01 (consByteString 0x01
emptyByteString) -- => 257
-- most-significant-first padding is at the start
builtinByteStringToInteger True (consByteString 0x00 (consByteString 0x01
(consByteString 0x01 emptyByteString))) -- => 257
builtinByteStringToInteger False (consByteString 0x00 (consByteString 0x01
(consByteString 0x01 emptyByteString))) -- => 65792
-- most-significant-last padding is at the end
builtinByteStringToInteger False (consByteString 0x01 (consByteString 0x01
(consByteString 0x00 emptyByteString) -- => 257
builtinByteStringToInteger True (consByteString 0x01 (consByteString 0x01
(consByteString 0x00 emptyByteString) -- => 65792

We also describe properties that any builtinByteStringToInteger implementation must have. Throughout, q is not negative and 0 <= w8 <= 255.

  1. builtinByteStringToInteger b (builtinIntegerToByteString b 0 q) = q
  2. builtinByteStringToInteger b (consByteString w8 emptyByteString) = w8
  3. builtinIntegerToByteString b (lengthOfByteString bs) (builtinByteStringToInteger b bs) = bs

Rationale: how does this CIP achieve its goals?

We believe that these operations address both of the described cases well, while also meeting the goals stated at the start of this CIP. Our specified primitives address both the problems of endianness and padding specified in Case 2, while also ensuring that use cases like Case 1 (where bounding length isn't important) are not made more difficult than necessary. The representation we have chosen is metadata-free, doesn't depend on any representation choices (current or future) of BuiltinInteger, while also being flexible enough to satisfy both cases where endianness and padding matter, and when they don't.

Alternative possibilities

As part of this proposal, we considered two alternative possibilities:

  1. Use the CIP-0058 versions of these operations; and
  2. Have a uniform treatment of the length argument for builtinIntegerToByteString (always minimum or always maximum).

CIP-0058 defines a sizeable collection of bitwise primitive operations for Plutus Core, mostly for use over BuiltinByteStrings. As part of these, it also defines conversion functions similar to builtinIntegerToByteString and builtinByteStringToInteger, which are named integerToByteString and byteStringToInteger respectively. Unlike the operations specified in this CIP, the CIP-0058 operations do not address the problems of either padding or endianness: more precisely, the representations constructed are always minimally-sized, and use a big-endian encoding. While in the context they are being presented in, these choices are defensible, they do not adequately address Case 2, and in particular, many cryptographic constructions used with finite fields. Users of the CIP-0058 primitives who needed to ensure a minimum length of a converted BuiltinInteger would have to pad manually, which CIP-0058 gives no additional support for; additionally, if a little-endian representation was required, the BuiltinByteString result would have to be reversed, which has quadratic cost if using only Plutus Core primitives. Thus, we consider these implementations to be a good attempt, but not suited to even their intended use, much less more general applications.

An alternative possibility for the length argument of builtinIntegerToByteString would be to treat the argument as either a minimum, or a maximum, rather than our more hybrid approach. Specifically, for any input i, let d be the minimum number of digits required to represent i as per the description of our representation, and let k be the length argument. Then:

  • The minimum length argument approach would produce a result of size mind,k\min \\{ \texttt{d}, \texttt{k} \\}; that is, if the length argument is smaller than the minimum required digits, the minimum would be used instead.
  • The maximum length argument approach would produce a result of size k, and would error if d>k\texttt{d} > \texttt{k}.

Both the minimum length argument, and the maximum length argument, approaches have merits. The maximum length argument approach in particular is useful for Case 2: in such a setting, we already know the maximum size of any element's representation, and if we somehow ended up with a larger representation than this, it would be a mistake, which the maximum length argument would catch immediately. For the minimum length argument approach, the advantage would be more for Case 1: where the length of the representation is not known (and the user isn't particularly concerned anyway). In such a situation, the user could pass any argument and know that the conversion would still work.

However, both of these approaches have disadvantages as well. The minimum length argument approach would be more tedious to use with Case 2, as each conversion would require a size check of the resulting BuiltinByteString. While this is not expensive, it is annoying, and given the complexity of the constructions that would be built atop of any finite field implementations, it feels unreasonable to require this from users. Likewise, the maximum length argument approach is unreasonable for situations like Case 1: the only way to establish how many digits would be required involves performing an integer logarithm in base 256, which is inefficient and error-prone. Our hybrid approach gives the benefits of both the minimum length argument and maximum length argument approaches, without the downsides of either: we observe that, for situations like Case 1, the length argument would be 0 in practically all cases, which is a value that would not be useful in any situation where the maximum length argument approach would be used. This observation allows our approach to work equally well for both Case 1 and 2, with minimal friction.

Path to Active

Acceptance Criteria

We consider the following criteria to be essential for acceptance:

  • A proof-of-concept implementation of the operation specified here must exist, outside of the Plutus source tree. The implementation must be in Haskell.
  • The proof-of-concept implementation must have tests, demonstrating that it behaves as the specification requires, and that the representations it produces match the described representation in this CIP.
  • The proof-of-concept implementation must demonstrate that it will successfully build, and pass its tests, using all GHC versions currently usable to build Plutus (8.10, 9.2 and 9.6 at the time of writing), across all Tier 1 platforms.

Ideally, the implementation should also demonstrate its performance characteristics by well-designed benchmarks.

Implementation Plan

MLabs have completed the implementation of the proof of concept as required (located here. This implementation has been merged into Plutus Core, and will be released in the upcoming V3 release.

This CIP is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license.